Transform Your Business with Cutting-Edge Business Process Automation Solutions

QAT Global is your trusted partner in delivering customized Business Process Automation services tailored to meet your enterprise’s unique needs. Our team of experts combines extensive industry knowledge with advanced technologies to automate and optimize your business processes, driving efficiency, productivity, and cost savings.

We work closely with clients to automate business processes by developing, implementing, and integrating enterprise web solutions that allow them to avoid process interruptions and resolve data interchange issues. This raises workflow automation to a higher level, thus making business process management more efficient and transparent.

Types of Process Automation Projects We Can Help With

Benefits of Putting Automation to Work to Streamline Your Business Processes

Increase efficiency

Eliminate errors

Reduce delays

Have better control

Easily spot problems

Optimize process

Drive workflows

Re-use experience

Transfer knowledge

What Makes QAT Global Capable to Deliver Business Process Automation

We help our customers achieve critical business goals with less effort. We start with a secure system that is properly configured to support easier tracking and reporting so you receive predictable results in specific operational activities and business process improvement overall. Then, we go a step further to take the wide variety of triggers that make your organization run and can be workflowed and put into a continuous, seamless stream of virtualized collaboration. We use the precision of a computer to orchestrate and synchronize them in a way that is scalable, flexible, and able to generate reliable measures of your productivity.

We realize that business process automation is always a challenging task. Tackling it requires the vendor to possess a comprehensive combination of technical skills and relevant horizontal and vertical expertise. Our Business Process Automation approach combines a number of vital components that provide a solid foundation to accomplish an automation project successfully.

Horizontal Expertise

  • QAT Global expertise covers all the main domains allowing us to support business processes across the entire enterprise.
  • Workflow automation and task management
  • Supply chain management and inventory management
  • Business intelligence
  • Corporate Intranets and Extranets

Vertical Expertise

Since 1995, QAT Global has been delivering advanced solutions for companies and enterprises worldwide. Focusing on long-term partnerships, our project teams accumulated business knowledge in a number of industries, including Energy, Finance & Accounting, Telecom, Automotive, Healthcare, Education, and many others.

Technology Competency

QAT Global has solid skills in a wide range of technology platforms, development frameworks, and customizable software products, making us capable of executing technologically complex projects. The core of QAT Global’s technology competency is its .NET and Java.

Business Process Automation Quick Sheet

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Business process modeling connects all the components, launches, and drives a Business Process Automation project. QAT Global project team always contains competent business analysts responsible for revealing business needs, requirements management, and business process modeling. To design consistent and transparent models, we utilize:

  • Business Objects Modeling (BOM)
  • Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
  • Unified modeling language (UML)
  • Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
  • Software prototyping

Long-term Partnerships

Every journey starts with the first step. This is very true in Business Process Automation, where to deliver a solution that adds real value, many factors must be taken into account. QAT Global is focused on developing a long-term partnership to provide careful step-by-step project execution with clear deliverables at each phase, full cycle implementation, admin and user training, continuous support, maintenance, and improvement of the solutions created.

Ignite your enterprise’s growth with QAT Global as your technology consulting partner. We’ll empower you to conquer challenges, seize opportunities, and exceed your strategic goals through our deep expertise and forward-thinking solutions.

QAT Global Insights into

Business Process Automation

Business Process Automation: Your Questions Answered

Business process automation involves using technology to streamline and automate repetitive tasks, workflows, and business processes. It is important for enterprises because it offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Increased efficiency: BPA eliminates manual and time-consuming tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.
  • Cost savings: By automating processes, enterprises can reduce errors, improve productivity, and minimize operational costs.
  • Improved accuracy: BPA reduces human errors and ensures consistency in executing processes, leading to improved data accuracy.
  • Enhanced agility and scalability: Automation allows businesses to scale their operations quickly and adapt to changing market demands.
  • Faster decision-making: BPA provides real-time data and analytics, enabling faster and more informed decision-making.

Various business processes can be automated, including:

  • Invoice processing and accounts payable/receivable.
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) workflows.
  • Inventory management and supply chain processes.
  • Employee onboarding and offboarding.
  • Data entry and data validation.
  • Report generation and data analysis.
  • Order processing and fulfillment.
  • HR and payroll processes.
  • Compliance and regulatory processes.

Business process automation typically involves the following steps:

  • Process identification: Analyze and identify the specific processes that can be automated to streamline operations.
  • Workflow design: Map out the sequence of steps and decision points involved in the process.
  • Automation implementation: Utilize automation tools, software, or platforms to automate the identified workflows and tasks.
  • Integration: Integrate the automation solution with existing systems, applications, and data sources as needed.
  • Testing and optimization: Validate and refine the automated processes to ensure they function as intended and deliver the desired results.
  • Monitoring and maintenance: Regularly monitor the automated processes, address any issues, and make necessary adjustments to optimize performance.

Implementing business process automation can bring several benefits to enterprises, including:

  • Time savings: BPA reduces manual effort, allowing employees to complete tasks faster and allocate their time to more strategic activities.
  • Increased productivity: Automation eliminates repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up employees to focus on higher-value work.
  • Improved accuracy and compliance: Automation reduces the risk of human error and ensures compliance with standardized processes.
  • Enhanced customer experience: By automating customer-facing processes, enterprises can provide faster response times, personalized interactions, and seamless experiences.
  • Scalability and agility: BPA enables enterprises to handle increased workloads and adapt quickly to changing business needs.
  • Cost efficiency: Automation reduces operational costs associated with manual labor, rework, and errors.

While implementing business process automation can be beneficial, enterprises may encounter some challenges, such as:

  • Process complexity: Some business processes may be complex and require careful analysis and planning before automation.
  • Change management: Employees may resist change or require training to adapt to the automated processes.
  • Integration with existing systems: Integrating automation with legacy systems or multiple software applications may pose technical challenges.
  • Data security and privacy: Safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations is crucial during automation.
  • Process optimization: It’s important to continuously review and optimize automated processes to ensure they remain effective and aligned with business goals.